Multistate Bar Exam Prep - MBE Practice Tests - 2024
I’m Elliot Gold, President and CEO of Bar Exam Prep LLC. Our Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) practice tests are carefully crafted by me to meet or exceed the difficulty level of the actual MBE. Having taken the MBE and excelling on it, I know what it takes to pass the exam – practice, practice, and more practice bar exam prep test questions. If you achieve a very high score on the Multistate Bar Exam, you provide yourself with more margin for error on the other parts of your bar exam, so getting as many points on the MBE is critical to passing, which should make practice tests a central element of your bar exam preparation.
Aside from studying your outlines and bar review materials, the key to passing the bar exam is to take as many practice tests as you can before the big day. Each of our Multistate Bar Exam practice tests are comprised of 200 bar exam prep test questions, based upon and in direct proportion to the 7 areas of law tested on the actual Multistate Bar Exam. On the actual exam, only 175 questions will count towards your final score, but we give you complete 200 question exams, so that you can participate in a virtual simulation. Our tests also have detailed answer explanations, so you can understand why you got the answer wrong or to help solidify your understanding of the legal issue addressed.
Exhaustive Learning Technique (ELT)-- Our unique bar exam prep program perfectly supplements any bar review program by helping you master 200 legal issues-- The questions on a particular test are similar to the questions on the other tests, which is designed to enable you to master the 200 issues-- ELT will help embed and reinforce the legal issues in your mind so they become second nature. Most importantly, it was recently reported that the average Multistate Bar Exam score is at historically low levels, so we will help you get you the extra points necessary to pass and provide an edge over your peers.

Pass The Bar Exam
Study For Your Test On Any Device
- 1,000 MBE Test Questions - 5 Tests
- Take Unlimited MBE Tests - 1 Year
- Study Mode & Timed Exam Mode
- Pause Exams & Continue Later
- Answers with Detailed Explanations
- Covering All 7 Areas of Law - 2024
- Bar Exam Definition Flashcards
- Master 200 Legal Issues
- Reliable Support From an Attorney
- Study On-The-Go On All Devices